Science and Research Office
Vice – dean for science and research
doc. Ing. Milan Jílek, Ph.D.
+420 387 772 470
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Office manager
Ing. Markéta Matějčková
doctoral study degree, scientific board, habilitation proceedings -
+420 387 772 493
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Ing. Nikola Soukupová
Grants, projects, conferences, SVOČ competition, science and research work evaluation -
+420 387 772 528
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- University of South Bohemia in České Budějovice
- Faculty of Economics
- Department of Science and research
- Studentská 13
- 370 05 České Budějovice
- Map location
Items administrated by the Department of Science and research
- Habilitation procedures,
- PhD.( doctoral) study,
- Editorial activities (publications, monography, textbooks (skripta), scientific journals),
- Scientific conference Inproforum and the SVOČ (student´s scientific and professional activity) competition,
- Research grants applications,scientific grants sectional or final reports completion
- Evaluation of research, progress and innovative activity at the faculty
Features of the scientific and research work at the Faculty of Economics
Main areas of the faculty scientific and research work:
- Mathematical-statistic modelling and optimization in practice
- Microeconomic and macroeconomic aspects of social and economic development
- Market research and marketing decision making
- Consumer protection and legal aspects of land consolidation
- Regional and global aspects of sustainability, and bioeconomy
- Management of small and medium sized enterprises
- Economic impacts of changes and policies in the fields of finance, accounting and taxation
More details:
Research program title: Mathematical-statistic modelling and optimization in practice
Main areas of the department scientific and research work:
- (1) Mathematical and statistical modelling and optimisation
- (2) Mathematical and statistical methods in management, regional policy, marketing and academic disciplines
- (3) Research of modern information systems from the security and communication points of view
JEL Classification:
- C000, C010, C020, C190, C60, C610, C63, C900
- R100, R110, R580
- L86
Research Projects:
GAČR 16-03708S (2016-2018) Spatial geometrical statistics of random sets in Euclidean spaces (co-worker doc. Tomáš Mrkvička)
GAČR P201/11/1558 (2011-2014) Random walks and random fields in models of statistical mechanics (doc. Marek Biskup)
GAČR P201/11/P164 (2011-2014) Martingale approximations and U-statistics (RNDr. Jana Klicnarová)
GAČR P201/10/0472 (2010-2014) Stochastic geometry - inhomogeneity, marking, dynamics and stereology (co-worker doc. Tomáš Mrkvička)
MŠMT Aktion 63p22 (2012) Testing and modelling of cancer (doc. Tomáš Mrkvička)
Research program title: Consumer protection and legal aspects of land consolidation
Main areas of the department scientific and research work:
- (1) Textbook on commercial law
- (2) Legal aspects of land consolidation
- (3) Simulated court proceedings (MOOT) for the improvement of schooling
JEL Classification:
- H57, D18
- K13, K29, K32, K35
- G33, K35
Research program title: Management of small and medium sized enterprises
Main areas of the department scientific and research work:
- (1) Process management of small and medium-sized enterprises
- (2) Human resource management of small and medium-sized enterprises
- (3) Strategic management and regional development
JEL Classification:
- L10, L20, L30
- M10, R50
Research program title: Economic impacts of changes and policies in the fields of finance, accounting and taxation
Main areas of the department scientific and research work:
- (1) Corporate finance, accounting and auditing
- (2) Financial system, public finance and tax system
JEL Classification:
- G3, G21, G23, G24, G1
Research projects:
GA JU 029/2011/S (2014-2016) Economic impacts of legislative changes and policies in the fields of finance, accounting and taxation (doc. Kouřilová)
GA JU 029/2011/S (2011-2013) Institutional approaches to regional development (doc. Jílek)
NAZV QI 92A023 (2009-2012) Rural area - area for active life – model strategies for development of rural area life (doc. Faltová Leitmanová)
NAZV QH 82162 (2008-2012) The possibilities of farmland ownership defragmentation (prof. Střeleček)
GAČR 402/06/0903 (2006-2008) Economic growth of regions (with a focus on South Bohemia region) (doc. Faltová Leitmanová)
MSM-6007665806 (2005-2011) Sustainable methods of agricultural management in montane and submontane areas with respect to harmonization of the production and nonproduction spheres. (co-worker Prof. Střeleček) and The Analysis of Fiscal Situation of Region. Part of the research project MSM 6007665806 (co-worker doc. Jílek)
NAZV QG60042 (2006-2009) Harmonization of instruments of Common Agriculture Policy with specific conditions of czech agriculture, leading to the increase in competitiveness and sustainable development. (prof. Střeleček)
MZE/QC, project QC1037 (2001-2004) Efficiency of exploitation in programmes EU in Czech republic. (prof. Střeleček)
MZE QD0176 (2000-2004) Intensification and efficient management in dairy cattle herd with respect to a future membership in The European Union (Prof. Střeleček).
MSM-122200001 (1999-2004) Economic and agricultural production structure of marginal areas in respect to their development (Prof. Střeleček)
Research program title: Microeconomic and macroeconomic aspects of social and economic development
Main areas of the department scientific and research work:
- (1) Measurement of productivity
- (2) Economics of transport and transport services
- (3) Microeconomic and macroeconomic analysis with focus on the labor market, small and medium-sized enterprises and municipal enterprises.
JEL Classification:
- D24, E24, M21, O18
Research Projects:
NAZV QI 92A023 (2009-2012) Rural area - area for active life – model strategies for development of rural area life (doc. Ing. Ivana Faltová Leitmanová, CSc.)
GAJU 79/2013/S (2013-2015) Models of SMEs (doc. Ing. Ladislav Rolínek, Ph.D.; members of deparment were co-workers)
GAČR 402/06/0903 (2006-2008) Economic growth of regions (with a focus on South Bohemia region) (doc. Ing. Ivana Faltová Leitmanová, CSc.)
Research program title: Market research and marketing decision making
Main areas of the department scientific and research work:
- (1) Research of consumer markets and their behaviour
- (2) Sustainable tourism
- (3) Trade with food products
- (4) Marketing and management decision-making
JEL Classification:
- C63, C81, C83, D12, M31
- L81, Q13, D18, F14
- L83, L88
Research program title: Regional and global aspects of sustainability, and bioeconomy
Main areas of the department scientific and research work:
- (1) Environmental and ecological economics and bioeconomy
- (2) Environmental and rural sociology
- (3) Regional and global aspects of energy demand and climate change
JEL Classification:
- G38, C92
- O18, Q10-50
- R1, R2, R5
Research Projects:
7 RP GA 225383 (2010-2012) Governance, Infrastructure, Lifestyle Dynamics and Energy Demand: European Post-Carbon Communities - GILDED (co-worker doc. Ing. Eva Cudlínová, CSc.)
Interreg IVc 0523R2 (2010-2012) UNICREDS - University Collaboration in Regional Development Spaces (co-worker doc. Ing. Eva Cudlínová, CSc.)
GAČR P402/10/P344 (2010-2013) Economic aspects of regeneration of brownfields in South-Bohemian region (RNDr. Dvořáková-Líšková, Ph.D.)
COST LD14118 (2014-2015) Land and Art social movement as a part of cultural sustainability of landscape and community (PhDr. Miloslav Lapka, CSc.)