Research topics of the FE
Research program title: Mathematical-statistic modelling and optimization in practice
Main areas of the department scientific and research work:
- (1) Mathematical and statistical modelling and optimisation
- (2) Mathematical and statistical methods in management, regional policy, marketing and academic disciplines
- (3) Research of modern information systems from the security and communication points of view
JEL Classification:
- C000, C010, C020, C190, C60, C610, C63, C900
- R100, R110, R580
- L86
Research Projects:
GAČR 16-03708S (2016-2018) Spatial geometrical statistics of random sets in Euclidean spaces (co-worker doc. Tomáš Mrkvička)
GAČR P201/11/1558 (2011-2014) Random walks and random fields in models of statistical mechanics (doc. Marek Biskup)
GAČR P201/11/P164 (2011-2014) Martingale approximations and U-statistics (RNDr. Jana Klicnarová)
GAČR P201/10/0472 (2010-2014) Stochastic geometry - inhomogeneity, marking, dynamics and stereology (co-worker doc. Tomáš Mrkvička)
MŠMT Aktion 63p22 (2012) Testing and modelling of cancer (doc. Tomáš Mrkvička)
Research program title: Consumer protection and legal aspects of land consolidation
Main areas of the department scientific and research work:
- (1) Textbook on commercial law
- (2) Legal aspects of land consolidation
- (3) Simulated court proceedings (MOOT) for the improvement of schooling
JEL Classification:
- H57, D18
- K13, K29, K32, K35
- G33, K35
Research program title: Management of small and medium sized enterprises
Main areas of the department scientific and research work:
- (1) Process management of small and medium-sized enterprises
- (2) Human resource management of small and medium-sized enterprises
- (3) Strategic management and regional development
JEL Classification:
- L10, L20, L30
- M10, R50
Research program title: Economic impacts of changes and policies in the fields of finance, accounting and taxation
Main areas of the department scientific and research work:
- (1) Corporate finance, accounting and auditing
- (2) Financial system, public finance and tax system
JEL Classification:
- G3, G21, G23, G24, G1
Research projects:
GA JU 029/2011/S (2014-2016) Economic impacts of legislative changes and policies in the fields of finance, accounting and taxation (doc. Kouřilová)
GA JU 029/2011/S (2011-2013) Institutional approaches to regional development (doc. Jílek)
NAZV QI 92A023 (2009-2012) Rural area - area for active life – model strategies for development of rural area life (doc. Faltová Leitmanová)
NAZV QH 82162 (2008-2012) The possibilities of farmland ownership defragmentation (prof. Střeleček)
GAČR 402/06/0903 (2006-2008) Economic growth of regions (with a focus on South Bohemia region) (doc. Faltová Leitmanová)
MSM-6007665806 (2005-2011) Sustainable methods of agricultural management in montane and submontane areas with respect to harmonization of the production and nonproduction spheres. (co-worker Prof. Střeleček) and The Analysis of Fiscal Situation of Region. Part of the research project MSM 6007665806 (co-worker doc. Jílek)
NAZV QG60042 (2006-2009) Harmonization of instruments of Common Agriculture Policy with specific conditions of czech agriculture, leading to the increase in competitiveness and sustainable development. (prof. Střeleček)
MZE/QC, project QC1037 (2001-2004) Efficiency of exploitation in programmes EU in Czech republic. (prof. Střeleček)
MZE QD0176 (2000-2004) Intensification and efficient management in dairy cattle herd with respect to a future membership in The European Union (Prof. Střeleček).
MSM-122200001 (1999-2004) Economic and agricultural production structure of marginal areas in respect to their development (Prof. Střeleček)
Research program title: Microeconomic and macroeconomic aspects of social and economic development
Main areas of the department scientific and research work:
- (1) Measurement of productivity
- (2) Economics of transport and transport services
- (3) Microeconomic and macroeconomic analysis with focus on the labor market, small and medium-sized enterprises and municipal enterprises.
JEL Classification:
- D24, E24, M21, O18
Research Projects:
NAZV QI 92A023 (2009-2012) Rural area - area for active life – model strategies for development of rural area life (doc. Ing. Ivana Faltová Leitmanová, CSc.)
GAJU 79/2013/S (2013-2015) Models of SMEs (doc. Ing. Ladislav Rolínek, Ph.D.; members of deparment were co-workers)
GAČR 402/06/0903 (2006-2008) Economic growth of regions (with a focus on South Bohemia region) (doc. Ing. Ivana Faltová Leitmanová, CSc.)
Research program title: Market research and marketing decision making
Main areas of the department scientific and research work:
- (1) Research of consumer markets and their behaviour
- (2) Sustainable tourism
- (3) Trade with food products
- (4) Marketing and management decision-making
JEL Classification:
- C63, C81, C83, D12, M31
- L81, Q13, D18, F14
- L83, L88